Matt Damon and the Top 10 Kavanaugh Memes and Tweets Helping Us Get Through

Heather M. Edwards
6 min readOct 4, 2018
All rights @ DonkeyHotey

A weary nation is grateful to Matt Damon.

After a spoiled scion of Ivy League American elitism showcased his even temperament, levelheaded bipartisanship and deep respect for the Supreme Court by throwing sneering tearful tantrums for the duration of the Senate Judiciary hearing, Matt Damon helped a gobsmacked country laugh at what we weren’t totally sure we had actually seen this past week. Sometimes SNL is the only antidote to American politics. But it’s only temporary.

Formidable legal minds have analyzed Kavanaugh’s indignant and antagonistic testimony but I’m treating myself to a few moments of humor and snark to escape the pain these hearings has triggered in me, my best friend, and the collective trauma American women are stomaching while watching the institution of privilege fight to save itself.

Please enjoy this carefully curated selection of my Top 10 Kavanaugh memes and tweets, ranked in highly subjective order based on their combined political import, hilarity and the swimsuit competition of internet memes — cleverness of any accompanying images.

